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Week 1: A plan for learning
The following resources and links provide additional information that support the weekly lectures for this subject. In this lecture we look at an overview of teaching and the components needed to effectively motivate and manage students with a range of abilities and interests. This lecture lays the foundation for the following lectures in this series.
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A copy of the powerpoint presentation accompanying this week's lecture.

Please note that this presentation is NOT meant as lecture notes. Attendance at lectures enable the presentation to be used effectively.
An outline of different learning models giving more depth than the overview covered in the lecture.

A pdf version of the powerpoint slides.

Online text covering a variety of
classroom approaches for managing behaviour

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A comprehensive guide to many of the skills and approaches covered in this series.

This is an easy to access resource that you can come back to when you need to understand terms and models.

Rational detachment

To manage the behaviour the first step is manage your own reactions and behaviours. These resources add further to skills outline in this lecture.
A copy of the powerpoint presentation covering rational detachment
A pdf version of the powerpoint presentation.
View a brief explanation of the Behaviour Window which is based on an original model from Thomas Gordon in his Teacher Effectiveness Training approach. ⇒

The window looks at problem ownership and how this can directly affect the actions we take in dealing with behaviour issues.
The 2009 crash of an airliner into the Hudson River was extraordinary at a number of levels - the calmness of the pilot, the efficiency of everyone involved. But was it just luck or was it good design.
This story exemplifies that when you PREPARE, PLAN and PRACTICE, a crisis may not be averted but you will have the strategies and skills to get through it in the best possible shape.

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