Smart Interactive Whiteboard The SMART Interactive Whiteboard is a touch sensitive display that you connect to your computer. Anything you can do on your computer, you can do on the interactive whiteboard. The following videos will give you some basic guides to using your SmartBoard: Orient (calibrate) smartboard Touch, write and save http://downloads01.smarttech.com/media/trainingcenter/flash/touch%20write%20and%20save.htm |
Notebook 10 Notebook 10 is a software program which can be used to create interactive lessons and presentations which can be displayed on your Smartboard. The Smartboard, and Notebook 10 can also be used independently of each other. i.e. you can have Notebook 10 installed on you own computer. It does not need to be connected to a Smartboard for it to work. It is available free to all NSW DEC employees including PEX studentsHere are some videos that demonstrate some of the things you can do with Notebook 10: Welcome centre and floating toolbar The digital ink layer Objects in Notebook Managing pages Properties, background colour, object animation, page recording Gallery - Graphics, images, templates, flash files Lesson activity toolkit – title pages, pull tabs, flash tools, games Tables, shape pen, magic pen plus other toolbar features (video a little difficult to watch as it pauses for buffering often. In order to watch without pause, start the video, then pause it to let it download completely before watching it) Instant checker tool Click to reveal Erase to reveal Random Generator Magnifying glass Page recorder |
Resources Free access to resources (mostly Notebook 10 files that you can download and alter to suit your needs) SMART exchange SMART exchange More great resources created by scholastic |
Finding other resources Video demonstrations on Notebook 10 and Smartboard In a search on Youtube, you will find many short demonstration video clips on a variety of topics relating to the use of Smartboards and Notebook 10. If you have a specific tool, or skill you are interested in, try looking it up on Youtube first. Interactive, web-based learning activities There are a multitude of interactive games and activities designed for all different topics areas, and different stages of schooling. Try googling your topic area, along with ‘game’ or ‘activity’ or ‘IWB’, and see what google comes up with. Remember to keep a system whereby you can record your favourite sites so that you can easily find them next time you want to use them. |