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Week 5 - A democratic approach from Bill Rogers

Bill Rogers is a leading consultant within the field of classroom management in the UK, Australia, USA and many parts of Europe. His eclectic and down-to-earth approach draws on many of the behaviour models and provides a practical example for schools to follow. Also this week we take a look at Ray's teaching tips for Dummies - a common sense approach to surviving life in the classroom.

A copy of the powerpoint presentation
covering Bill Rogers approach and Ray's Teaching tips for dummies.

An article from the NSW Institute of Teachers on Behaviour Management giving a range of perspectives and strategies.
In this clip Rogers explains his 4Rs - Rights, Responsibilities, Rules and Routines. Rogers models a class in which these expectations are taught.

Extensive outline of Bill Rogers steps in creating and managing a Discipline Plan

Click the image to check out how Bill Rogers
would apply his strategies to five different
students each with stereotypical behaviours.
Dummies guide to teaching

A commentary of Ray's Dummies guide to teaching with his 9 basic tips to increase student learning in the classroom and reduce the stress for teachers.

. . on Listening skills
Check out the full presentation of
The Empathic Civilisation from Jeremy Rifkin
Click the image to get a demonstration
of reflective listening from Ned Flanders.
On task training - some skills and resources
Tutorial Resource - an overview of the learning theories

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Tactical ignoring
Look at this excellent demonstration of tactical ignoring from Ms.Chambers in Gumnut Cottage at Summer Heights High

A full explanation including examples and videos on Tactical Ignoring

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